Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spring is on its way!

- Plant Smiles, Grow Giggles, Harvest Love -

Even though we are having some big rainstorms, the signs of Spring are showing all around us. And I can't wait for it to get here!!

Friday we started some of our seeds. I think right now we planted Peppermint, Chamomile, Pansy's, Chives, Cilantro, Basil and Lavender. We have lots more to start, but I need to make some room in the back room. This is our first year starting from seeds. I am pretty excited.

Maggie had a good time preparing and sowing. It was really fun to get to show her how it all begins. She knows about planting plant starters, but seeds are a whole 'nother thing!

Maggie carefully spooned in the dirt, slowly and with lots of deep thought. We then had to water the dirt down and then it was time to get the seeds out. She had a great time looking at the front pictures and then seeing the varying of seeds inside the packets. From teeny tiny to round large ones. Black, brown. Much different than the pumpkin and bell pepper seeds we see when we cook with those foods.

I am hoping that our efforts aren't in vain and that we actually get something. I guess if not we have a great nursery close by!

Are any of you planting gardens? Are you doing seeds? Plant starters? What are you planting?

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