I have been considering moving and renaming my blog. And last night while exhausted from a long weekend I decided to make my night a little longer and go ahead and start the process. The blog is no means completely done yet, so please be patient. Come find us at Provident Living Homestead. Please follow me over! I am going to be back to blogging on a regular basis again! :)
Simplicity is the essence of happiness. - Cedric Bledsoe
Monday, April 30, 2012
We are moving!
I have been considering moving and renaming my blog. And last night while exhausted from a long weekend I decided to make my night a little longer and go ahead and start the process. The blog is no means completely done yet, so please be patient. Come find us at Provident Living Homestead. Please follow me over! I am going to be back to blogging on a regular basis again! :)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Rabbits and Vermicomposting
It’s been so long since I have blogged. I have thought about it almost daily but have had so much going on. We ended up having to move from the property we rented. It went into foreclosure so we quickly found another lovely spot to land. We are very happy here and are getting the “homesteading bug” back again! Between packing to move, moving, unpacking and life’s daily twists and turns it’s been kind of hard to snap a picture and post about what we are doing! We have been doing a ton though and I will be blogging about all of it soon! From chicken coops to garden planning to goat yards!
I’m excited about a new project we are working on! We have needed a rabbit hutch for some time now. I dropped by Chris’ work earlier this week and he surprised me (really surprised me!) with the starts of a new rabbit home! I am so excited and I am sure Peter Pan the rabbit and Eliza are going to LOVE it!
They will each have a ladder that leads up to a “second story” that will have a nice window to look out. Spoiled! Right now we are waiting on our local hardware store to get their hardware cloth in so we can put that on, put on the roof and put the rabbits in! Right now we have them sitting in there in their wire cages. I can’t wait to get them out of those things! They will each have a little over a foot more to romp around in.
Chris was able to use all scrap wood that was going to go into the burn pile at work. The only thing that cost us any money was the brackets/hinges and the hardware cloth. This hutch will have cost us well under $50 to make!
Rabbit poo is such a wonderful, valuable source of fertilizer for the garden. We have used it on many plants that we thought weren’t going to make it. It’s amazing how they just bounced back and grew so big and tall after! Because of that I had a thought. Why not compost UNDER the rabbit hutch? What would be a good way to do that? WORMS! Worms are a wonderful, magical little creature who literally seem to poop out gold for us gardeners! So why not vermicompost under the rabbit hutch? Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
If you don’t know about vermicomposting or have always wondered about it but don’t know how it works, check out THIS LINK to treehugger.com and read up on it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is and how much of a reward you get in return!
I look forward to doing more updates on this project, so keep an eye out to see what happens next!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
My little beekeeper
Last night Chris and Maggie wanted to check in on the bees. So they got suited up!
Maggie is smoking the bees…….
Taking a look inside
Lot’s of interesting things going on in the hive
Look at all the bees working hard! Making and storing honey for the winter….can’t wait until we get to eat some more!
I love that Maggie loves to help her daddy with the bees.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Growing Up
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Homegrown Chamomile
I love chamomile tea! So much so that growing chamomile was on the top of my priority list of things to grown! We got a late start getting it as the nursery didn’t have any until a few weeks after I inquired about it. So thankful they went the extra mile and got some in!
I went out a few weeks ago and picked a bunch of it. Dried it and put it away for my winter stash. Unfortunately, Maggie woke up this morning with a headache and just feeling kinda poopy, so she asked for her pillow, her Winnie The Pooh movie and a cup of chamomile tea. I gladly obliged!
Maggie perked up after she thought about the tea and said, “hey mom! The flowers we grew made the tea and our bees made the honey! That’s why this tastes so good!”
So even though I was bummed the first of my winter stash was gone, I was so happy to provide something that I made, something I grew to make my baby feel better!
The flowers you see in the picture above were picked earlier this week and are in the process of drying now. Looking forward to harvesting a lot more to get us through the winter!