Friday, July 2, 2010

We got an email from a soldier!

As you all know we sent a cup of coffee to a soldier by using the Cup of Joe for a Joe program through Green Beans Coffee.  When we sent it we also sent along a little note including our email address.  Well, today we got a message back from a United States Marine serving in Baghdad, Iraq!

Maggie is thrilled beyond words! 

This is what he had to say:

Hi Maggie! Thanks for the cup of coffee! I really appreciate you thinking of all of us over here in Iraq and making such a sacrifice by giving your own money at such a young age. It is people like you that keep morale high and keep us focused on our mission. I will gladly drink the cup of coffee that you gave me on behalf of all my fellow service members here in Baghdad. Thanks again. Major Matt McConnell, USMC Baghdad, Iraq P.S. I have a daughter and her name is Maggie too! She is only seven months old!
So of course she was thrilled about the note, but was excited to hear there is another Maggie.  :)

If you haven't sent a cup of coffee today, please do!  Especially since this weekend is such an important one for the USA.  Our men and women are sacrificing so much. 

Stay safe Major Matt McConnell.  Hope you get home to your Maggie soon!


  1. Songofanangel2003July 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM

    this is so wonderful! i am wanting to do the same thing and will as soon God willing i receive the money i am expecting. what an inspiration to all of us from a little child. I know it means so much to our soldiers over there when a little one cares so much to do this even for one person. keep it up Maggie, you are doing a warm good thing caring for our soldiers, they will not forget what you have done out of your own heart. God bless you sweetheart.

  2. Oh how special. I'm sure you didn't do your good deed to get a thank you but it sure makes you feel good and appreciated when you do get one. That's sweet he took the time to write. And you're sweet for thinking of our soldiers!




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